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NEWS: Eton University Applies for Institutional Accreditation

We are very pleased to share with all our stakeholders that Eton University is now officially under accreditation process through a quality assurance organisation ACQUIN, and it is expected to receive its accreditation approval approximately within a year.

Although we have always strived to provide the best quality education to our students by committing ourselves to high standards, we have also decided that the time has come for us to provide our students, alumni and partners with an official proof of excellence. Being officially recognized by a reputable external organisation is particularly important for Eton University, as we offer education to students worldwide, and we want, as much as possible, to ensure the acceptance of our degree across the globe.


As an international higher education institution that follows British educational standards, Eton University has decided to seek for accreditation from a European quality assurance organisation. The Accreditation, Certification and Quality Assurance Institute (ACQUIN) is a German organization that has been accrediting German and international institutions for over 20 years. Its members include more than 150 higher education institutions (HEIs).

“The core task of ACQUIN’s work is to promote the quality of university education and to support the establishment of a quality culture at higher education institutions in Germany and abroad. The implementation of all quality assurance procedures in Germany and abroad is based on the international standards of good practice, especially on the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG).”

ACQUIN’s Recognition ACQUIN is a member of all relevant European and international associations and project initiatives dedicated to quality assurance in the higher education sector. It has full membership in the “European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education” (ENQA). Also, ACQUIN has been registered in the “European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education” (EQAR) since 2009. To read more about AQUIN and its cooperation with international networks, please follow the link.

If you have any questions related to Eton’s accreditation application, and how will accreditation impact you as a student/alumni/partner, please don’t hesitate to get in touch; we are happy to discuss all the benefits.

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