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Academic Integrity Policy 

Policy Number:201

Title: Academic Integrity
Last Revised Date: 19th February 2023

Policy Version:Vol. 2


1. ​Introduction 


Eton University’s highest purpose is to foster society through encouraging lifelong learning and by producing graduates with a high regard for professional ethics. Eton University recognises its responsibility to facilitate an intellectual environment where students develop a sense for academic honesty, independence and critical thinking. 


Teachers have a responsibility to ensure students are conducting their studies and research in an ethical manner. They should ensure that students adhere to this policy and other related policies such as the Assessment Policy and Student Conduct Policy. 


Meanwhile students are responsible to familiarize themself with the rules of proper conduct and restrictions outlined in this policy.  Eton University expects students to study according to the highest ethical principles and avoid any forms of dishonesty such as cheating, plagiarism and collusion. Academic dishonesty undermines the success and reputation of the student and the university.


2. Definitions 


Academic integrity: a concept which focuses on promoting the positive values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility in an academic environment


3. Scope 


This policy is applicable to all students enrolled at Eton University.  



4. Principles  


This policy reflects the following principles: 

  • Honesty

  • Fairness

  • Respect

  • Responsibility 


5. Academic misconduct 


The violation of Academic Integrity Policy results in misconduct which involves various methods of cheating such as; 


5.1. Plagiarism 

Plagiarism means using someone else's words and ideas without providing recognition of the source. Students must be very careful as plagiarism can occur with or without intention. Sources require citation whether it is word for word quotations or whether it is paraphrased. 

Eton University checks all submitted work and examinations for plagiarism and has a maximum tolerance of 15% similarity.


5.2. Collusion 

Students are expected to complete all assessments and examinations independently unless explicitly stated by the tutor. Unauthorized collaborations occur when students assist each other in the writing of their assignments or when a student plagiarised another student's work.


5.3. Ghostwriting 

Ghostwriting occurs when a student submits work which was completed by a third party on behalf of the student irrespective of this being a paid or unpaid service. 


5.4.  Cheating during examinations

Cheating during examinations happens when students gain unauthorised access to the questions and/or answers before the allotted time, and when another person sits the exam on behalf of them. Also, students must be aware that assisting anyone during examinations will result in penalty for both parties involved.


5.5. Fabrication or falsifying data

Students are required to use genuine data which is accurate and reliable. Fabrication or falsification of data, quotes or sources will not be tolerated. 


6. Allegations and penalties for academic misconduct 


The Head of the respective College where allegations have occurred will investigate the matter and if necessary, the conduct will be referred to the Provost. During the investigation, the College Head will determine the seriousness of the alleged offence by considering the type and extent of academic misconduct, prior offences, experience, and level of the student. All records of academic misconduct will be recorded and the record kept for a minimum of 5 years. Regardless of the seriousness of the offence, the student will be required to resubmit the work.

6.1 Minor Offences


6.1.1.First Offense

If the investigation finds the offence to be unintentional, or not very serious, it will be considered a minor offence, in which case the student will be informed about the offence and advised on how to avoid it in the future.


6.1.2 Repeated offence

If the offence reoccurs the second time, the student will be given the first written warning. Three or more offences will be considered a serious offence.


6.2 Significant Offences


6.2.1 First significant offence

If the investigation finds the offence to be intentional, or in serious breach of this Policy, it would be considered a significant offence, in which case the student will be informed, and the following could occur:

  • A downgrade in mark(s)

  • Unsatisfactory grade 

  • An alternative form of assessment could be given


6.2.2 Repeated Significant Offences

Given the significant nature of the breach, a penalty will apply. One or more of the following penalties may be imposed: 

  • A downgrade in mark(s)

  • Unsatisfactory grade 

  • An alternative form of assessment could be given.

  • Suspension from the course

  • Expulsion

7. Complaints and Appeals  


Students dissatisfied with outcomes and penalties applied under this policy have access to the appeals process outlined in the Student Appeal and Complaint Policy.

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